Print Graph, Save Graph

These functions copy the bitmap of the current model to either the associated printer or a bitmap file. The user is asked to specify a height and width for the graph. When either value is set to zero, that value will be calculated in such a way that the ratio in the current graph is maintained. Printing the bitmap file to a 300dpi device will result in a graph with the specified dimensions.

The bitmap can be created in full colour or in black and white — the last option is recommended for printing to black and white devices. If the ``Entire model'' option is selected, the full model, stripped from the white space surrounding it, will be printed. Otherwise the current window, including all white space, is printed. Printing is done by scaling the current graph to the required size (rather than regenerating the plot to the printer canvas). Thus the resolution will be the same as on the screen. For plots not showing actual wire radii, the line width is one pixel — independent of the size of the graph. Thus, the larger the graph, the narrower the lines will be in relation to it, and the narrower they will appear in the final plot. The wire thickness can therefore be ``controlled'' by zooming in or out.